We are an established Malaysian company specializing in Steel Sheet Piles. We also have offices in Singapore, Indonesia, China, Philippine and Thailand. Being part of a dynamic Group of Companies involved in specialized foundation and structural steel sections, high-end engineering and architectural products, and niche construction and engineering market segment, we are strived to be a major Steel Sheet Piles supplier and sheet piling solution provider in South East Asia region.

Since the beginning of the last century millions of tons of steel sheet piles have been used all over the world for every kind of structure. Steel sheet piles have 3 basic shape: Z, U and straight. Our all new U shape steel sheet pile, 750mm wide AU series, posses characteristics that the popular 400mm wide steel sheet piles cannot match. AU steel sheet pile is also having extremely competitive section modulus-to-mass ratio and the diverse AU range allows matching of specific bending resistance requirements in the most profitable way:


In comparision to 400mm wide(JIS steel sheet piles made in Japan, Korea or Thailand), our 600mm or 750mm wide steel sheet piles have more economical advantages. For example: 200 meters run of retaining wall needs to 500 pcs of 400mm wide instead of 334 pcs of 600mmPU(reduced by 166pcs) or 267 pcs 750mmAU wide(reduced by 233 pcs). When the number of pieces is reduced, the total weight is decreased significantly and of course the total cost is also reduced.

· Increased width: 750mm single pile reduces the total number of piles required over a specific length of wall. Loading, unloading, installation work on the driving equipment, transportation and driving time, and total amount of work are greatly reduced.
· Reduced perimeter: due to the increased width of the pile, reduction of the perimeter can be achieved and cuts down the surface coating, painting for example.
· Less Interlocks: the number of interlocks per linear meter of wall will be decreased as number of piles required is reduced. This has direct effect on the water-tightness of the wall which is improved. Waterproofing costs is also reduced if water-tightness needs to be reinforced.
· Higher steel grade: AU series steel sheet pile comes standard with S390GP steel grade as opposed to standard SY295 of the popular 400mm series. The thickness of steel sheet piles wall needs not to be as thick in order to achieve certain strength. This definitely reduces weigh of the steel sheet piles.

Oriental Sheet Piling does not just sell steel sheet piles, we also offer free advisory and design, alternative renting, leasing, and buy-back options for all types of steel sheet piles including the 400mm series. The overall cost of steel sheet piles usage in any construction project may expect a reduction of minimum 30% if alternative options are employed. Besides, we will even take on the steel sheet piles design and driving works if situation permits.

We sincerely hope that we can be at your service in order to help using steel sheet piles in an economical way.

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